Induction of anti-tumor immunity by vaccination with dendritic cells pulsed with anti-CD44 IgG opsonized tumor cells

Lentiviral vector expression of tumour antigens in dendritic cells as an immunotherapeutic strategy

Induction of antigen-specific CD4- and CD8-mediated T-cell responses by fusions of autologous dendritic cells and metastatic colorectal cancer cells

Enhancement of antitumor immunity of dendritic cells pulsed with heat-treated tumor lysate in murine pancreatic cancer

Hyperthermia combined with radiation in treatment of locally advanced prostate cancer is associated with a favourable toxicity profile

Medullary thyroid carcinoma: autologous tumor cell lines for dendritic cell vaccination

Efficacy of immuno-cell therapy in patients with advanced pancreatic cancer

Immunization using autologous dendritic cells pulsed with the melanoma-associated antigen gp100-derived G280-9V peptide elicits CD8+ immunity