Novel immunotherapeutic strategies in gynecologic oncology. Dendritic cell-based immunotherapy for ovarian cancer
The recognition of tumor antigen loaded dendritic cells as one of the most promising approaches to induce a tumor specific immune response in vivo has recently generated widespread interest in the use of these natural adjuvants for the therapy of human malignancies refractory to standard treatment modalities. However, many cancer patients may not benefit from current strategies of cancer vaccination because an effective tumor antigen associated with their cancer has not yet been identified or because sufficient amounts of tumor tissue cannot be obtained for antigen preparation. The recent identification and cloning of a group of preferentially expressed serine proteases as novel ovarian tumor-associated antigens may offer the opportunity to test in a large group of patients the potential of DC-based immunotherapy. In this review, we describe these ovarian tumor antigens and assess the potential for therapeutic DC vaccination for the treatment of chemotherapy-resistant ovarian cancer.