Synergy between TMZ and individualized multimodal immunotherapy to improve overall survival of IDH1 wild-type MGMT promoter-unmethylated GBM patients

Stem cells-derived natural killer cells for cancer immunotherapy: current protocols, feasibility, and benefits of ex vivo generated natural killer cells in treatment of advanced solid tumors

DNA methylation based glioblastoma subclassification is related to tumoral T-cell infiltration and patient survival

Impaired DNA repair in mouse monocytes compared to macrophages and precursors

Randomized Controlled Immunotherapy Clinical Trials for GBM Challenged

Mitochondria at Work: New Insights into Regulation and Dysregulation of Cellular Energy Supply and Metabolism

Position paper: new insights into the immunobiology and dynamics of tumor-host interactions require adaptations of clinical studies

Addition of Multimodal Immunotherapy to Combination Treatment Strategies for Children with DIPG: A Single Institution Experience