Activation of human T cells by a tumor vaccine infected with recombinant Newcastle disease virus producing IL-2

Recombinant Newcastle disease virus expressing human interleukin-2 serves as a potential candidate for tumor therapy

Detection and functional analysis of tumor infiltrating T-lymphocytes (TIL) in liver metastases from colorectal cancer

Efficiency of adjuvant active specific immunization with Newcastle disease virus modified tumor cells in colorectal cancer patients following resection of liver metastases: results of a prospective randomized trial

Postoperative adjuvant dendritic cell-based immunotherapy in patients with relapsed glioblastoma multiforme

An effective tumor vaccine optimized for costimulation via bispecific and trispecific fusion proteins

Second International Conference on Cancer Vaccines/Adjuvants/Delivery for the Next Decade (CVADD): Heidelberg, Germany, 10-12 October 2007

Persistent IL-10 production is required for glioma growth suppressive activity by Th1-directed effector cells after stimulation with tumor lysate-loaded dendritic cells

Dendritic cell vaccination in patients with malignant gliomas: current status and future directions

Surgery and adjuvant dendritic cell-based tumour vaccination for patients with relapsed malignant glioma, a feasibility study