Application of Newcastle disease virus in the treatment of colorectal cancer

Possible viral oncolysis by members of the Reoviridae and Paramyxoviridae families (an in vitro study).

STAT3 Contributes To Oncolytic Newcastle Disease Virus-Induced Immunogenic Cell Death in Melanoma Cells

Oncolytic virotherapy enhances the efficacy of a cancer vaccine by modulating the tumor microenvironment

Oncolytic Newcastle disease virus reduces growth of cervical cancer cell by inducing apoptosis

Regression of solid breast tumours in mice by Newcastle disease virus is associated with production of apoptosis related-cytokines

Immunotherapy for Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: Latest Research and Clinical Prospects

Oncolytic viruses and checkpoint inhibitors: combination therapy in clinical trials

Combining Tumor Vaccination and Oncolytic Viral Approaches with Checkpoint Inhibitors: Rationale, Pre-Clinical Experience, and Current Clinical Trials in Malignant Melanoma