Pathological complete response and sphincter-sparing surgery after neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy with regional hyperthermia for locally advanced rectal cancer compared with radiochemotherapy alone

Effect of preoperative fever-range whole-body hyperthermia on immunological markers in patients undergoing colorectal cancer surgery

Hyperthermia-enhanced TRAIL- and mapatumumab-induced apoptotic death is mediated through mitochondria in human colon cancer cells

Immunotherapy for metastatic colorectal cancer: present status and new options

Tumor response and negative distal resection margins of rectal cancer after hyperthermochemoradiation therapy

Long-term vaccine therapy with autologous whole tumor cell-pulsed dendritic cells for a patient with recurrent rectal carcinoma

Induction of tolerogenic dendritic cells by IL-6-secreting CT26 colon carcinoma

A dendritic cell-based vaccine effects on T-cell responses compared with a viral vector vaccine when administered to patients following resection of colorectal metastases in a randomized phase II study.

Survival rates among patients vaccinated following resection of colorectal cancer metastases in a phase II randomized study compared with contemporary controls.

Immunogenicity of dendritic cells pulsed with CEA peptide or transfected with CEA mRNA for vaccination of colorectal cancer patients