Fever-range whole body hyperthermia increases the number of perfused tumor blood vessels and therapeutic efficacy of liposomally encapsulated doxorubicin

Single administration of low dose cyclophosphamide augments the antitumor effect of dendritic cell vaccine

A study of dendritic and endothelial cell interactions in colon cancer in a cell line and small mammal model

A novel dendritic cell-based cancer vaccine produces promising results in a syngenic CC-36 murine colon adenocarcinoma model

Successful cancer vaccine therapy for carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)-expressing colon cancer using genetically modified dendritic cells that express CEA and T helper-type 1 cytokines in CEA transgenic mice

Tissue localization of tumor antigen-loaded mouse dendritic cells applied as an anti-tumor vaccine and their influence on immune response

Tumor infiltrating T lymphocytes in colorectal cancer: Tumor-selective activation and cytotoxic activity in situ

Dendritic cell-tumor cell hybrids enhance the induction of cytotoxic T lymphocytes against murine colon cancer: a comparative analysis of antigen loading methods for the vaccination of immunotherapeutic dendritic cells

Superior anti-tumor protection and therapeutic efficacy of vaccination with allogeneic and semiallogeneic dendritic cell/tumor cell fusion hybrids for murine colon adenocarcinoma