Vaccination with p53-peptide-pulsed dendritic cells, of patients with advanced breast cancer: report from a phase I study

Thyroglobulin-pulsed human monocyte-derived dendritic cells induce CD4+ T cell activation

The immune response to breast cancer, and the case for DC immunotherapy

Dendritic cell-based immunotherapy in multiple myeloma

Dendritic cell-based combined immunotherapy with autologous tumor-pulsed dendritic cell vaccine and activated T cells for cancer patients: rationale, current progress, and perspectives

Intranodal administration of peptide-pulsed mature dendritic cell vaccines results in superior CD8+ T-cell function in melanoma patients

Vaccination of recurrent glioma patients with tumour lysate-pulsed dendritic cells elicits immune responses: results of a clinical phase I/II trial

Idiotype vaccination of multiple myeloma patients using monocyte-derived dendritic cells