Long-term survival of pancreatic cancer patients treated with multimodal therapy combined with WT1-targeted dendritic cell vaccines

Dendritic cell vaccine with Ag85A enhances anti-colorectal carcinoma immunity

Phase I/II clinical trial of a Wilms‘ tumor 1-targeted dendritic cell vaccination-based immunotherapy in patients with advanced cancer

Dendritic Cell Cancer Therapy: Vaccinating the Right Patient at the Right Time

Combining Tumor Vaccination and Oncolytic Viral Approaches with Checkpoint Inhibitors: Rationale, Pre-Clinical Experience, and Current Clinical Trials in Malignant Melanoma

A randomized phase II clinical trial of dendritic cell vaccination following complete resection of colon cancer liver metastasis

Recombinant Newcastle disease virus expressing human IFN-λ1 (rL-hIFN-λ1)-induced apoptosis of A549 cells is connected to endoplasmic reticulum stress pathways

Autologous Dendritic Cell Therapy in Mesothelioma Patients Enhances Frequencies of Peripheral CD4 T Cells Expressing HLA-DR, PD-1, or ICOS

Phase II study of ERC1671 plus bevacizumab versus bevacizumab plus placebo in recurrent glioblastoma: interim results and correlations with CD4 T-lymphocyte counts

Further clinical advancement of dendritic cell vaccination against ovarian cancer