A prospective, randomized, blinded, placebo-controlled, phase IIb trial of an autologous tumor lysate + yeast cell wall particles (YCWP) + dendritic cells (DC) vaccine vs unloaded YCWP + DC and embedded phase I/IIa trial with tumor lysate particle only (TLPO) vaccine in stage III and stage IV (resected) melanoma to prevent recurrence.
/in Dendritic Cells, International Publications, Malignant MelanomaA phase-1/2 study of adenovirus-p53 transduced dendritic cell vaccine in combination with indoximod in metastatic solid tumors and invasive breast cancer
/in Breast Cancer, Dendritic Cells, International PublicationsEpCAM peptide-primed dendritic cell vaccination confers significant anti-tumor immunity in hepatocellular carcinoma cells
/in Dendritic Cells, Hepatocellular Carcinoma, International PublicationsPhase I clinical trial of a novel autologous modified-DC vaccine in patients with resected NSCLC
/in Dendritic Cells, International Publications, NSCLCAutologous Dendritic Cells Pulsed with Allogeneic Tumor Cell Lysate in Mesothelioma: From Mouse to Human
/in Dendritic Cells, International Publications, Malignant Pleural MesotheliomaAdvances in immunotherapeutic research for glioma therapy
/in Dendritic Cells, Glioblastoma, International PublicationsAn update on the relevance of vaccine research for the treatment of metastatic melanoma
/in Dendritic Cells, International Publications, Malignant MelanomaA phase I vaccination study with dendritic cells loaded with NY-ESO-1 and α-galactosylceramide: induction of polyfunctional T cells in high-risk melanoma patients
/in Dendritic Cells, International Publications, Malignant MelanomaImmunotherapy as a treatment for biliary tract cancers: A review of approaches with an eye to the future
/in Dendritic Cells, Gallbladder Cancer, International PublicationsIMMUN-ONKOLOGISCHES ZENTRUM KÖLN
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Hohenstaufenring 30–32
50674 Köln | Deutschland
T: +49 (0)221 – 420 399 25
E-Mail: info@iozk.de
Die IOZK Immuntherapie
Aktuelles und Int. Publikationen
- WT1-mRNA dendritic cell vaccination of patients with glioblastoma multiforme, malignant pleural mesothelioma, metastatic breast cancer, and other solid tumors: type 1 T-lymphocyte responses are associated with clinical outcome
- Autologous tumor lysate-loaded dendritic cell vaccination in glioblastoma patients: a systematic review of literature
- Retrospective Analysis of HLA Class II-Restricted Neoantigen Peptide-Pulsed Dendritic Cell Vaccine for Breast Cancer