Immune responses in patients with esophageal cancer treated with SART1 peptide-pulsed dendritic cell vaccine

[WT1 peptide pulsed dendritic cell therapy with activated T lymphocytes therapy for advanced cancers]

Vaccination with multiple peptides derived from novel cancer-testis antigens can induce specific T-cell responses and clinical responses in advanced esophageal cancer

Novel therapeutic strategies for treating esophageal adenocarcinoma: the potential of dendritic cell immunotherapy and combinatorial regimens

Experimental evidence for the efficacy of combined therapy of CPT-11 and hyperthermia for squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus

Antitumor activity of a fusion of esophageal carcinoma cells with dendritic cells derived from cord blood

A feasibility study in oesophageal carcinoma using deep loco-regional hyperthermia combined with concurrent chemotherapy followed by surgery

Large-scale immunomagnetic selection of CD14+ monocytes to generate dendritic cells for cancer immunotherapy: a phase I study