Results of a phase I clinical trial of vaccination of glioma patients with fusions of dendritic and glioma cells

Preliminary results of active specific immunization with modified tumor cell vaccine in glioblastoma multiforme

Vaccination of malignant glioma patients with peptide-pulsed dendritic cells elicits systemic cytotoxicity and intracranial T-cell infiltration

Treatment of a patient by vaccination with autologous dendritic cells pulsed with allogeneic major histocompatibility complex class I-matched tumor peptides. Case Report

Use of Newcastle disease virus vaccine (MTH-68/H) in a patient with high-grade glioblastoma

Hyperthermia–its actual role in radiation oncology. Part IV: Thermo-radiotherapy for malignant brain tumors

Treatment of malignant gliomas with interstitial irradiation and hyperthermia

[Radiofrequency hyperthermia in malignant brain tumors: clinical trials]

Combination radiofrequency hyperthermia and chemotherapy (BCNU) for brain malignancy. Animal experience and two case reports