A thermometry system for quality assurance and documentation of whole body hyperthermia procedures

Regional hyperthermia in conjunction with definitive radiotherapy against recurrent or locally advanced prostate cancer T3 pN0 M0

The anti-tumor effect of interleukin-12 is enhanced by mild (fever-range) thermal therapy

Impact of fever-range thermal stress on lymphocyte-endothelial adhesion and lymphocyte trafficking

An important role for granulocytes in the thermal regulation of colon tumor growth

Comparison of the anti-tumor effects of various whole-body hyperthermia protocols: correlation with HSP 70 expression and composition of splenic lymphocytes

Effects of febrile temperature on adenoviral infection and replication: implications for viral therapy of cancer

A feasibility study in oesophageal carcinoma using deep loco-regional hyperthermia combined with concurrent chemotherapy followed by surgery

The impact of surgery and mild hyperthermia on tumor response and angioneogenesis of malignant melanoma in a rat perfusion model