RIG-I helicase-independent pathway in sendai virus-activated dendritic cells is critical for preventing lung metastasis of AT6.3 prostate cancer

Use of attenuated paramyxoviruses for cancer therapy

Optimization studies for the coupling of bispecific antibodies to viral anchor molecules of a tumor vaccine

[WT1 peptide pulsed dendritic cell therapy with activated T lymphocytes therapy for advanced cancers]

Palliation of recurrent myxofibrosarcoma with radiotherapy and hyperthermia

Vaccination with dendritic cell/tumor fusion cells results in cellular and humoral antitumor immune responses in patients with multiple myeloma

Vaccination with dendritic cells charged with apoptotic/necrotic B16 melanoma induces the formation of subcutaneous lymphoid tissue

Chemokine-mediated distribution of dendritic cell subsets in renal cell carcinoma

Resistance to the proapoptotic effects of interferon-gamma on melanoma cells used in patient-specific dendritic cell immunotherapy is associated with improved overall survival