Current concepts in the management of retroperitoneal soft tissue sarcoma

Whole blood selenium levels (WBSL) in patients with prostate cancer (PC), benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and healthy male inhabitants (HMI) and prostatic tissue selenium levels (PTSL) in patients with PC and BPH

New therapeutic strategies in acute lymphoblastic leukemia

Dendritic cell-based immunotherapy in myeloid leukaemia: translating fundamental mechanisms into clinical applications

Recent advances in cancer immunotherapy with an emphasis on vaccines

Randomized clinical studies of anti-tumor vaccination: state of the art in 2008

Tumour vaccine approaches for CNS malignancies: progress to date

A phase II study of adoptive immunotherapy using dendritic cells pulsed with tumor lysate in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma

Oncothermia treatment of cancer: from the laboratory to clinic