Phase I/II trial of melanoma therapy with dendritic cells transfected with autologous tumor-mRNA

Pure sarcomatous recurrence of clear cell renal carcinoma following radical nephrectomy and dendritic cell vaccination

Targeting tumours by adoptive transfer of immune cells

Short-term dietary administration of celecoxib enhances the efficacy of tumor lysate-pulsed dendritic cell vaccines in treating murine breast cancer

A phase I/II trial testing immunization of hepatocellular carcinoma patients with dendritic cells pulsed with four alpha-fetoprotein peptides

Cervical cancer: radiotherapy and hyperthermia

Dendritic cell immunotherapy for melanoma

[Efficacy of autologous renal tumor cell lysate-loaded dendritic cell vaccine in combination with cytokine-induced killer cells on advanced renal cell carcinoma–a report of ten cases]

High-risk soft tissue sarcoma: clinical trial and hyperthermia combined chemotherapy

Therapeutic dendritic cell vaccination of patients with renal cell carcinoma