A thermometry system for quality assurance and documentation of whole body hyperthermia procedures

Phenotypic and functional characterization of clinical grade dendritic cells generated from patients with advanced breast cancer for therapeutic vaccination

Selective gene transfer to tumor cells by recombinant Newcastle Disease Virus via a bispecific fusion protein

Effects of dendritic cells transfected with full length wild-type p53 and modified by bile duct cancer lysates on immune response

Induction of hepatitis C virus-specific cytotoxic T and B cell responses by dendritic cells expressing a modified antigen targeting receptor

Uptake and presentation of hepatitis C virus-like particles by human dendritic cells

Impact of fever-range thermal stress on lymphocyte-endothelial adhesion and lymphocyte trafficking

An important role for granulocytes in the thermal regulation of colon tumor growth

Melanoma immunotherapy: past, present, and future

Chemo-immunotherapy of breast cancer using vesiculated alpha-tocopheryl succinate in combination with dendritic cell vaccination