Vaccination with hybrids of tumor and dendritic cells induces tumor-specific T-cell and clinical responses in melanoma stage III and IV patients
/in International Publications, Malignant Melanoma /von 2004-07-10 / Int. J. Cancer 2004 Jul;110(5):730-40Dendritic cells, T-cell infiltration, and Grp94 expression in cholangiocellular carcinoma
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/in HIV/AIDS, International Publications /von 2004-06-07 / Int. Immunol. 2004 Jul;16(7):1037-52Thermal enhancement of oxaliplatin-induced inhibition of cell proliferation and cell cycle progression in human carcinoma cell lines
/in Hyperthermia, International Publications /von 2004-06-01 / Int J Hyperthermia 2004 Jun;20(4):405-19Tumour cell/dendritic cell fusions as a vaccination strategy for multiple myeloma
/in Dendritic Cells, International Publications, Multiple Myeloma /von 2004-05-01 / Br. J. Haematol. 2004 May;125(3):343-52Dendritic cell vaccination in medullary thyroid carcinoma
/in Dendritic Cells, International Publications, Thyroid Cancer /von 2004-05-01 / Clin. Cancer Res. 2004 May;10(9):2944-53Characterization of CD34+ progenitor-derived dendritic cells pulsed with tumor cell lysate for a vaccination strategy in children with malignant solid tumors and a poor prognosis
/in Dendritic Cells, International Publications, Soft Tissue Sarcoma /von 2004-05-01 / Klin Padiatr 2004 May-Jun;216(3):176-82IMMUN-ONKOLOGISCHES ZENTRUM KÖLN
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