A pancreatic tumor-specific biomarker characterized in humans and mice as an immunogenic onco-glycoprotein is efficient in dendritic cell vaccination

Recombinant Newcastle Disease Virus Encoding IL-12 and/or IL-2 as Potential Candidate for Hepatoma Carcinoma Therapy

Recombinant Immunomodulating Lentogenic or Mesogenic Oncolytic Newcastle Disease Virus for Treatment of Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma

Phase I pilot study of Wilms tumor gene 1 peptide-pulsed dendritic cell vaccination combined with gemcitabine in pancreatic cancer

Comparison of cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses against pancreatic cancer induced by dendritic cells transfected with total tumor RNA and fusion hybrided with tumor cell

Prognostic markers for patient outcome following vaccination with multiple MHC Class I/II-restricted WT1 peptide-pulsed dendritic cells plus chemotherapy for pancreatic cancer

Overexpression of heat shock protein 27 (HSP27) increases gemcitabine sensitivity in pancreatic cancer cells through S-phase arrest and apoptosis

Antigen-loaded dendritic cell migration: MR imaging in a pancreatic carcinoma model

Identification of pancreatic cancer-associated tumor antigen from HSP-enriched tumor lysate-pulsed human dendritic cells

Noninvasive radiofrequency treatment effect on mitochondria in pancreatic cancer cells