Dendritic Cells and Programmed Death-1 Blockade: A Joint Venture to Combat Cancer
/in Checkpoint-Inhibitors, Dendritic Cells, International PublicationsInhibition of IL-10 and TGF-β receptors on dendritic cells enhances activation of effector T-cells to kill cholangiocarcinoma cells
/in Dendritic Cells, Gallbladder Cancer, International PublicationsAnti-cancer vaccine therapy for hematologic malignancies: An evolving era
/in Acute Leukemia, Checkpoint-Inhibitors, Chronic Leukemia, Dendritic Cells, International PublicationsMyeloid and plasmacytoid dendritic cell vaccinations for castration-resistant prostate cancer patients.
/in Dendritic Cells, International Publications, Prostate CancerEfficacy of intracellular immune checkpoint-silenced DC vaccine
/in Acute Leukemia, Dendritic Cells, International PublicationsPoly(I:C) enhanced anti-cervical cancer immunities induced by dendritic cells-derived exosomes
/in Cervical Cancer, Dendritic Cells, Exosome, International PublicationsRe-Emergence of Dendritic Cell Vaccines for Cancer Treatment
/in Dendritic Cells, International PublicationsRadiation and Anti-Cancer Vaccines: A Winning Combination
/in Dendritic Cells, International PublicationsSurvival gain in glioblastoma patients treated with dendritic cell immunotherapy is associated with increased NK but not CD8 T cell activation in the presence of adjuvant temozolomide
/in Dendritic Cells, Glioblastoma, International PublicationsIMMUN-ONKOLOGISCHES ZENTRUM KÖLN
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Hohenstaufenring 30–32
50674 Köln | Deutschland
T: +49 (0)221 – 420 399 25
Die IOZK Immuntherapie
Aktuelles und Int. Publikationen
- WT1-mRNA dendritic cell vaccination of patients with glioblastoma multiforme, malignant pleural mesothelioma, metastatic breast cancer, and other solid tumors: type 1 T-lymphocyte responses are associated with clinical outcome
- Autologous tumor lysate-loaded dendritic cell vaccination in glioblastoma patients: a systematic review of literature
- Retrospective Analysis of HLA Class II-Restricted Neoantigen Peptide-Pulsed Dendritic Cell Vaccine for Breast Cancer