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50674 Cologne | Germany
T: +49 (0)221 – 420 399 25
F: +49(0)221 - 420 399 26
Hohenstaufenring 30–32
50674 Cologne | Germany
T: +49 (0)221 – 420 399 25
F: +49(0)221 - 420 399 26
IOZK Webinar at the World Cancer Series
/in IOZK at conferences, IOZK NewsNew IOZK publication on liquid biopsy
/in IOZK News, IOZK publicationsStefaan van Gool appointed as editor of a special issue by the Journal of Molecular Sciences
/in Brain Tumors in Children, IOZK publicationsPoster presentation at the annual meeting of the Association for Cancer Immunotherapy
/in Glioblastoma, IOZK at conferences, IOZK publications, PublicationsAward for groundbreaking discovery in immunotherapy goes to Prof. Shimon Sakaguchi
/in Other announcementsSymposium and Training at the IOZK: Immunotherapy in Neuro-Oncology, Friday, September 6, 2019
/in IOZK announcements, IOZK at conferencesProfessor Volker Schirrmacher from the IOZK opened the Symposium on Tumor Immunology at Kiel University with a talk about research on oncolytic viruses in conjunction with a personalized immunotherapy for cancer.
/in IOZK at conferencesInternational Journal of Oncology: “From chemotherapy to biological therapy”, Prof. Dr. Volker Schirrmacher
/in IOZK in the press, IOZK publicationsNobel Prize in Medicine 2018 awarded for the development of new cancer therapies with checkpoint inhibitors
/in IOZK announcements, Other announcementsIOZK presentation: Modulated electro-hyperthermia in the treatment of children with DIPG at the annual conference of the ESHO at the Charité in Berlin
/in IOZK announcements, IOZK at conferences