Hohenstaufenring 30–32
50674 Köln | Deutschland
T: +49 (0)221 – 420 399 25
Hohenstaufenring 30–32
50674 Köln | Deutschland
T: +49 (0)221 – 420 399 25
Die IOZK Immuntherapie
Aktuelles und Int. Publikationen
- WT1-mRNA dendritic cell vaccination of patients with glioblastoma multiforme, malignant pleural mesothelioma, metastatic breast cancer, and other solid tumors: type 1 T-lymphocyte responses are associated with clinical outcome
- Autologous tumor lysate-loaded dendritic cell vaccination in glioblastoma patients: a systematic review of literature
- Retrospective Analysis of HLA Class II-Restricted Neoantigen Peptide-Pulsed Dendritic Cell Vaccine for Breast Cancer
Immune Suppression during Oncolytic Virotherapy for High-Grade Glioma; Yes or No?
/in Glioblastoma, International Publications, IOZK Veröffentlichungen, Newcastle Disease VirusProf. Dr. Schirrmacher veröffentlicht E-Book: Harnessing Oncolytic Virus-mediated Antitumor Immunity
/in IOZK Meldungen, IOZK VeröffentlichungenIOZK Fallstudie über die erfolgreiche Behandlung eines metastasierten Prostatakarzinoms
/in IOZK VeröffentlichungenStrong T‑cell costimulation can reactivate tumor antigen‑specific T cells in late‑stage metastasized colorectal carcinoma patients: results from a phase Ⅰ clinical study
/in International Publications, IOZK Veröffentlichungen, Newcastle Disease VirusLong-term remission of prostate cancer with extensive bone metastases upon immuno- and virotherapy: A case report
/in Dendritic Cells, Hyperthermia, International Publications, IOZK Veröffentlichungen, Newcastle Disease Virus, Prostate CancerVerleihung des UNESCO-L’Oréal-Preises „Women in Science“
/in Externe MeldungenMultimodal cancer therapy involving oncolytic newcastle disease virus, autologous immune cells, and bi-specific antibodies
/in Dendritic Cells, International Publications, IOZK Veröffentlichungen, Newcastle Disease VirusArtikel im Deutschen Ärzteblatt zum Thema: Tumorbiologie
/in Externe MeldungenDevelopment and validation of a fully GMP-compliant production process of autologous, tumor-lysate-pulsed dendritic cells
/in Dendritic Cells, International Publications, IOZK VeröffentlichungenWilms‘ tumor gene 1 immunotherapy in pelvic gynecological malignancies
/in Dendritic Cells, International Publications, IOZK Veröffentlichungen, Ovarian Cancer, Uterine Cancer