Internationale Publikationen
Hier stellen wir eine Auswahl wissenschaftlicher Veröffentlichungen zur Verfügung, die im Zusammenhang mit der IOZK-Immuntherapie stehen.
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Combined treatment of dendritoma vaccine and low-dose interleukin-2 in stage IV renal cell carcinoma patients induced clinical response: A pilot study
/in Hypernephroma, International PublicationsUse of reverse genetics to enhance the oncolytic properties of Newcastle disease virus
/in International Publications, Newcastle Disease VirusComparison of dendritic cell-mediated immune responses among canine malignant cells
/in International Publications, Malignant LymphomaLarge-scale generation of autologous dendritic cells for immunotherapy in patients with acute myeloid leukemia
/in Acute Leukemia, International PublicationsComparison of intratumor and intraluminal temperatures during locoregional deep hyperthermia of pelvic tumors
/in Cervical Cancer, International PublicationsMonocyte-derived dendritic cells from chronic HCV patients are not infected but show an immature phenotype and aberrant cytokine profile
/in Chronic Virus Hepatitis, International PublicationsFever-range whole body hyperthermia increases the number of perfused tumor blood vessels and therapeutic efficacy of liposomally encapsulated doxorubicin
/in Colorectal Cancer, Hyperthermia, International PublicationsContribution of selected vitamins and trace elements to immune function
/in International Publications, MicronutrientsDendritic cells reconstituted with a human heparanase gene induce potent cytotoxic T-cell responses against gastric tumor cells in vitro
/in Gastric Cancer, International PublicationsLevels of antigen processing machinery components in dendritic cells generated for vaccination of HIV-1+ subjects
/in HIV/AIDS, International PublicationsLocalized hyperthermia combined with intratumoral dendritic cells induces systemic antitumor immunity
/in Dendritic Cells, Hyperthermia, International Publications, Prostate CancerReview: dendritic cell-based vaccine in the treatment of patients with advanced melanoma
/in International Publications, Malignant MelanomaA combination of chemoimmunotherapies can efficiently break self-tolerance and induce antitumor immunity in a tolerogenic murine tumor model
/in Breast Cancer, Dendritic Cells, International PublicationsImmunotherapy for prostate cancer using antigen-loaded antigen-presenting cells: APC8015 (Provenge)
/in International Publications, Prostate CancerImmunotherapy with dendritic cells for prostate cancer
/in International Publications, Prostate CancerLaboratory and clinical basis for hyperthermia as a component of intracavitary chemotherapy
/in Hyperthermia, International Publications, Malignant Pleural MesotheliomaBenefits of superficial hyperthermia treatment planning: five case studies
/in Breast Cancer, Hyperthermia, International Publications, Malignant MelanomaConformal radiotherapy plus local hyperthermia in patients affected by locally advanced high risk prostate cancer: preliminary results of a prospective phase II study
/in Hyperthermia, International Publications, Prostate CancerDendritic cell vaccination
/in Breast Cancer, Colorectal Cancer, Hypernephroma, International Publications, Malignant Melanoma, Prostate CancerWeekly systemic cisplatin plus locoregional hyperthermia: an effective treatment for patients with recurrent cervical carcinoma in a previously irradiated area
/in Cervical Cancer, International Publications