Importance of retinoic acid-inducible gene I and of receptor for type I interferon for cellular resistance to infection by Newcastle disease virus

Important role of interferon regulatory factor (IRF)-3 in the interferon response of mouse macrophages upon infection by Newcastle disease virus

Targeting of IL-2 and GM-CSF immunocytokines to a tumor vaccine leads to increased anti-tumor activity

Antitumor vaccination by Newcastle Disease Virus Hemagglutinin-Neuraminidase plasmid DNA application: changes in tumor microenvironment and activation of innate anti-tumor immunity

Transcriptome analysis and cytokine profiling of naive T cells stimulated by a tumor vaccine via CD3 and CD25

Optimization studies for the coupling of bispecific antibodies to viral anchor molecules of a tumor vaccine

The hemagglutinin-neuraminidase gene of Newcastle Disease Virus: a powerful molecular adjuvant for DNA anti-tumor vaccination

Adjuvant dendritic cell-based tumour vaccination for children with malignant brain tumours