Autologous cervical tumor lysate pulsed dendritic cell stimulation followed by cisplatin treatment abrogates FOXP3+ cells in vitro

Modulated Electro-Hyperthermia Induces a Prominent Local Stress Response and Growth Inhibition in Mouse Breast Cancer Isografts

Advances in the Study of Antitumour Immunotherapy for Newcastle Disease Virus

Moving on From Sipuleucel-T: New Dendritic Cell Vaccine Strategies for Prostate Cancer

Clinical study of modulated electro-hyperthermia for advanced metastatic breast cancer

Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation Combined with Regional Hyperthermia in Locally Advanced or Recurrent Rectal Cancer

Magnetic Hyperthermia as an adjuvant cancer therapy in combination with radiotherapy versus radiotherapy alone for recurrent/progressive glioblastoma: a systematic review