Internationale Publikationen
Hier stellen wir eine Auswahl wissenschaftlicher Veröffentlichungen zur Verfügung, die im Zusammenhang mit der IOZK-Immuntherapie stehen.
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Current status of vaccination therapy for leukemias
/in Chronic Leukemia, International PublicationsThe anti-tumor effect of interleukin-12 is enhanced by mild (fever-range) thermal therapy
/in Hyperthermia, International PublicationsImpact of fever-range thermal stress on lymphocyte-endothelial adhesion and lymphocyte trafficking
/in Hyperthermia, International PublicationsAllogeneic dendritic cell vaccination against metastatic renal cell carcinoma with or without cyclophosphamide
/in Hypernephroma, International PublicationsPhase II study of carboplatin and whole body hyperthermia (WBH) in recurrent and metastatic cervical cancer
/in Cervical Cancer, International PublicationsDendritic cell based vaccines: progress in immunotherapy studies for prostate cancer
/in International Publications, Prostate CancerImmunoregulation of dendritic and T cells by alpha-fetoprotein in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma
/in Hepatocellular Carcinoma, International PublicationsCurrent approaches in ovarian cancer vaccines
/in International Publications, Ovarian CancerTherapeutic dendritic-cell vaccine for chronic HIV-1 infection
/in HIV/AIDS, International PublicationsVaccination of glioma patients with fusions of dendritic and glioma cells and recombinant human interleukin 12
/in Dendritic Cells, Glioblastoma, International PublicationsSurgery and adjuvant dendritic cell-based tumour vaccination for patients with relapsed malignant glioma, a feasibility study
/in Dendritic Cells, Glioblastoma, International Publications, IOZK VeröffentlichungenVaccination by genetically modified dendritic cells expressing a truncated neu oncogene prevents development of breast cancer in transgenic mice
/in Breast Cancer, Dendritic Cells, International PublicationsAntitumor vaccination in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinomas with autologous virus-modified tumor cells
/in International Publications, Newcastle Disease VirusThe role of the immune system in the control of hepatocellular carcinoma
/in Hepatocellular Carcinoma, International PublicationsImmunotherapeutic strategies for hepatocellular carcinoma
/in Hepatocellular Carcinoma, International PublicationsClinical trials of antitumor vaccination with an autologous tumor cell vaccine modified by virus infection: improvement of patient survival based on improved antitumor immune memory
/in International Publications, Newcastle Disease VirusPhase I/II trial of melanoma patient-specific vaccine of proliferating autologous tumor cells, dendritic cells, and GM-CSF: planned interim analysis
/in International Publications, Malignant MelanomaDendritic cells as vectors for immunotherapy of tumor and its application for gastric cancer therapy
/in Gastric Cancer, International PublicationsAntitumor vaccination of patients with glioblastoma multiforme: a pilot study to assess feasibility, safety, and clinical benefit
/in Dendritic Cells, Glioblastoma, International Publications, Newcastle Disease VirusDendritic cell-based immunotherapy in thyroid malignancies
/in Dendritic Cells, International Publications, Thyroid Cancer