Internationale Publikationen
Hier stellen wir eine Auswahl wissenschaftlicher Veröffentlichungen zur Verfügung, die im Zusammenhang mit der IOZK-Immuntherapie stehen.
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[Distribution of S-100 protein-positive dendritic cells in transitional cell carcinoma of human bladder and its relation to clinical prognosis]
/in Dendritic Cells, International Publications, Urothelial CarcinomaA critical look at the subluxation hypothesis
/in International Publications, Newcastle Disease Virus[Radiofrequency hyperthermia in malignant brain tumors: clinical trials]
/in Glioblastoma, Hyperthermia, International PublicationsHyperthermic enhancement of cis-diammine-1,1-cyclobutane dicarboxylate platinum(II) cytotoxicity in human leukemia cells in vitro
/in Acute Leukemia, International Publications[Local hyperthermia of malignant brain tumors]
/in Glioblastoma, Hyperthermia, International PublicationsA preliminary investigation of the parallelogram concept in genetic monitoring and risk estimation
/in International Publications, Newcastle Disease VirusImmunological enhancement by fat-soluble vitamins, minerals, and trace metals: a factor in cancer prevention
/in International Publications, MicronutrientsA proposal for the addition of hyperthermia to treatment regimens for acute and chronic leukemia
/in Acute Leukemia, International PublicationsDoxorubicin, cyclophosphamide, and whole body hyperthermia for treatment of advanced soft tissue sarcoma
/in Hyperthermia, International Publications, Soft Tissue Sarcoma[Effect of whole-body artificial hyperthermia on the immunity function in cancer patients]
/in Gastric Cancer, Hyperthermia, International PublicationsCombination radiofrequency hyperthermia and chemotherapy (BCNU) for brain malignancy. Animal experience and two case reports
/in Glioblastoma, Hyperthermia, International Publications[Local hyperthermia therapy of malignant brain tumor using radiofrequency. Effects on subcutaneously transplanted experimental brain tumor]
/in Glioblastoma, Hyperthermia, International Publications