Internationale Publikationen
Hier stellen wir eine Auswahl wissenschaftlicher Veröffentlichungen zur Verfügung, die im Zusammenhang mit der IOZK-Immuntherapie stehen.
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Modulated Electro-Hyperthermia-Induced Tumor Damage Mechanisms Revealed in Cancer Models
/in Hyperthermia, International PublicationsHexokinase inhibition using D-Mannoheptulose enhances oncolytic newcastle disease virus-mediated killing of breast cancer cells
/in Breast Cancer, International Publications, Newcastle Disease VirusClinical effects of curcumin in enhancing cancer therapy: A systematic review
/in Curcuma, International PublicationsInteraction between Gut Microbiota and Curcumin: A New Key of Understanding for the Health Effects of Curcumin
/in Curcuma, International PublicationsThe tumor microenvironment of colorectal cancer metastases: opportunities in cancer immunotherapy
/in Colorectal Cancer, Dendritic Cells, International PublicationsA dendritic cell multitasks to tackle cancer
/in Dendritic Cells, International PublicationsSynergy between hemagglutinin 2 (HA2) subunit of influenza fusogenic membrane glycoprotein and oncolytic Newcastle disease virus suppressed tumor growth and further enhanced by Immune checkpoint PD-1 blockade
/in Checkpoint-Inhibitors, International Publications, Newcastle Disease VirusOncolytic effects of Hitchner B1 strain of newcastle disease virus against cervical cancer cell proliferation is mediated by the increased expression of cytochrome C, autophagy and apoptotic pathways
/in Cervical Cancer, International Publications, Newcastle Disease VirusLow Vitamin C Status in Patients with Cancer Is Associated with Patient and Tumor Characteristics
/in International Publications, MicronutrientsPrognostic Factors for Endometrial and Cervical Cancers of Uterus Treated With Immune-cell Therapy: A Retrospective Study
/in Cervical Cancer, Dendritic Cells, Endometrial Cancer, International PublicationsAdvanced clinical trials of dendritic cell vaccines in ovarian cancer
/in Dendritic Cells, International Publications, Ovarian CancerImmunotherapy employing dendritic cell vaccination for patients with advanced or relapsed esophageal cancer
/in Dendritic Cells, Esophageal Carcinoma, International PublicationsExosomes in Tumor Immunotherapy: Mediator, Drug Carrier, and Prognostic Biomarker
/in International PublicationsEvidence-Based Medicine in Oncology: Commercial Versus Patient Benefit
/in International Publications, IOZK VeröffentlichungenModulated Electro-Hyperthermia Resolves Radioresistance of Panc1 Pancreas Adenocarcinoma and Promotes DNA Damage and Apoptosis In Vitro
/in Hyperthermia, International Publications, Pancreatic CancerHarnessing the Complete Repertoire of Conventional Dendritic Cell Functions for Cancer Immunotherapy
/in Dendritic Cells, International PublicationsIntranodal Administration of Neoantigen Peptide-loaded Dendritic Cell Vaccine Elicits Epitope-specific T Cell Responses and Clinical Effects in a Patient with Chemorefractory Ovarian Cancer with Malignant Ascites
/in Dendritic Cells, International Publications, Ovarian CancerAdvances in Anti-Cancer Immunotherapy: Car-T Cell, Checkpoint Inhibitors, Dendritic Cell Vaccines, and Oncolytic Viruses, and Emerging Cellular and Molecular Targets
/in Dendritic Cells, International Publications, Newcastle Disease VirusPotent anti-myeloma efficacy of dendritic cell therapy in combination with pomalidomide and programmed death-ligand 1 blockade in a preclinical model of multiple myeloma
/in Dendritic Cells, International Publications, Multiple MyelomaRewiring local immune milieu by boosting dendritic cell for pancreatic cancer treatment
/in Dendritic Cells, International Publications, Pancreatic Cancer